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EUROCLIMA + at COP26 interactive brochure

This interactive brochure on EUROCLIMA+ participation during COP26 will show you the objectives, description, agenda and speakers of each of the events in which the Programme participated as well as those that took place within the EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion. Each link in the interactive document will take you to the website created exclusively for this COP26 meeting.

EUROCLIMA+ en COP26 folleto interactivo

Este folleto interactivo sobre la participación de EUROCLIMA+ durante la COP26, le mostrará los objetivos, la descripción, la agenda y ponentes de cada una de los eventos en los cuales participó el Programa así como aquellos que se llevaron a cabo dentro del Pabellón de EUROCLIMA+. Cada enlace del documento interactivo le llevará a la página web creada en exclusiva para este encuentro de la COP26.

Has Glaslow turned the tide on climate ambition in transport?

This event reports on COP26 and its results, as well as the implications for the future work of stakeholders in the transport sector around the world.