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Overview of private sector financing sources in the Latin American and Caribbean region with a focus on climate change and biodiversity conservation


Under the Contract signed between SURECO & Partners CORP (contractor) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (contractor). The deliverable constitutes a report with the main findings, including a data tool in excel format with the results of the mapping exercise of private sector investments available for the climate and biodiversity of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region in the sectors clean energy, water, transport, agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU), biodiversity and ecosystem-based solutions. This report was executed based mainly on publicly available secondary information.

Category: Estudios técnicos
File Size: 6.51 MB
Hits: 661 Hits
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Título: Overview of private sector financing sources in the Latin American and Caribbean region with a focus on climate change and biodiversity conservation
Año: 2024
Autor institucional: GIZ
Formato: PDF

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