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International Experience in Transboundary Mountain Governance: Insights for Andean Cooperation


This report was produced through an agreement with UN Environment Programme, Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (SSFA/Latin America Caribbean/CC/766/2018), with financial support by the project “Accelerating Climate Action under EUROCLIMA+”.

The objective of this report is to support and accompany the Andean MRG process by providing insights into international MRG experience (Section 3), an overview and case studies of efforts to incorporate ecosystems-based adaptation (EbA) into MRG (Section 4), and an overview and case studies of relevant Latin American regionalization initiatives (Section 5). These elements serve as a basis to identify core elements of MRG scenarios for Andean MRG (Sections 5 and 6). The report was elaborated using desk research, expert interviews, and a stakeholder consultation during the November 2018 Ministerial Consultation of the Andean Mountain Initiative (AMI-MC). The outcomes of the report contribute to the UN Environment project “Accelerating Climate Action under Euroclima+”; it was elaborated by the University of Geneva’s Institute of Environmental Governance and Territorial Development, with inputs from the Mountain Research Initiative. The opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors.


Category: Estudios técnicos
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Título: International Experience in Transboundary Mountain Governance: Insights for Andean Cooperation
Autor: Jörg Balsiger, Emilie Dupuits, Anna Scolobig
Año: Octubre, 2020
Autor institucional: Institute for Environmental Governance and Territorial Development, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Formato: PDF, 126 págs

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