Peru’s Director of Gender Mainstreaming visits FIIAPP

From 19 to 20 November 2018, within the framework of the Climate Governance component

Brussels, Belgium, November 19, 2018. From November 19 to 20, 2018, within the framework of the Climate Governance component of the EUROCLIMA+ Programme, FIIAPP as the coordinating agency of the component, received the Director General of Mainstreaming the Gender Approach of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP), Ivonne Yupanqui.

Among its strategic lines of support to Latin American countries, this component includes the integration of the gender perspective in national climate policies, action plans and other measures including the UNFCCC Convention processes, providing support in carrying out analyses of gender, facilitating the collection and use of information disaggregated by sex, and strengthening institutional capacities.

This approach reinforces the “Gender Action Plan” that was raised at COP 23 (2017) after the Lima Work Programme on Gender (COP 20 - 2014), which seeks to advance the promotion of climate policies with a gender perspective and in the full, equal and relevant participation of women; as well as gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the Convention and the work of the parties.

FIIAPP, EUROCLIMA+ and the Government of Peru

Gender inequality should be considered as an important base factor that contributes to increasing social vulnerability in facing the effects of climate change. Men and women have different needs, priorities and possibilities when it comes to mitigating the negative effects of climate change and adapting to it. Latin America is one of the most unequal regions in the world, therefore, women are affected differently by climate change. Aware of this reality, Peru integrates the gender perspective in its state apparatus, aiming to contribute to the reduction of existing gender gaps and improving the social position of women.

FIIAPP, through EUROCLIMA+, is working together with the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) and the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) of the Government of Peru, through the General Directorate for the Mainstreaming of the Gender Approach of the MIMP, on the development and validation of a methodological proposal to mainstream the gender focus in the mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change prioritised by the Peruvian State, within the framework of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The country already has an Action Plan on Gender and Climate Change, which proposes comprehensive and multisectoral solutions to climate change.

Its stay will serve to share experiences in mainstreaming the gender approach in Peru’s policies and public management, specifically in the field of Climate Change, and its challenges in terms of institutional management, planning, human resource management, budget and institutional culture.

The EUROCLIMA+ programme, funded by the European Union, aims to promote environmentally sustainable development in 18 Latin American countries, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. EUROCLIMA+ also provides technical and financial support for the development and application of adaptation and mitigation policies to climate change. The implementing agencies that are part of the Climate Governance component of the EUROCLIMA+ Programme are GIZECLAC and UN Environment.

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